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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Japanese Self Defense Force Invades California?

Japanese Invasion? No, not really! The above photo is of a Japanese GDSF Chinook Helicopter participating in military exercises in close coordination with US Navy & Marine forces off the coast of California. Some 250 GDSF along with three large warships including the Helicopter Carrier JS Hyuga are participating in these military exercises here in the United States. While many debate the relevance of Article 9 of Japan's War Imposed Constitution, we feel it is good to see Japan's Defense Forces expand their training missions to include amphibious warfare training outside of Japan. Of course not everyone is going to agree with this move. While some may see this as an aggressive move on the part of Tokyo, it is the reality that with recent instability in the region that has included recent provocations by both China and North Korea that Japan must increase it's defense capabilities.

Let's face it! WWII is over and it's a new dangerous world out there and for that reason Japan will need to step up its game and take a greater role in it's defense. And to do that Japan's military will have to re-learn how to take islands from hostile forces if they are to take the lead in any potential future island crisis. The combined Japanese Forces of all three branches of her military are participating with the 1st US Marine Expeditionary Force in Dawn Blitz 2013. This exercise includes troops and observers from Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. It is said that for the first time Japanese Helicopters will from hosterate from their own ships in beach landings and live fire exercises. According to the Time Magazine article that first reported this, Beijing has called for an official protest. Evidently, they have not forgotten the last time Japan practiced amphibious warfare. While this is only the first step in upgrading Japan's military capabilities, they still have a long way to go. In the face of US Forces and budgetary resources spread so thin, it will be up to Japan to take a larger role in both providing regional stability and for her own defense of her home islands.

一日の画像 - Picture of the Day

Samurai Blue fans erupt in celebration Japan's Qualifying for the 2014 World Cup.
Next Stop Brazil!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

一日の画像 - Picture of the Day

Japan's Samurai Blue have just been confirmed as the first country to qualify for the 
2014 World Cup in Brazil!