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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sayonara Samurai Blue

Japan's hopes for advancing to the Group of 16 were dashed today by it's defeat to Group C leader Columbia. For a moment at the 45th minute during stoppage Japan looked like they could turn it around and potentially save themselves but it was not to be. This ends Japan's 2014 World Cup Run. We hope the Samurai Blue will find a new coach and their fighting spirit for the 2018 Challenge to come. がんばれ日本!

Monday, June 23, 2014

American Mishima: The Real Soldier and the Samurai

It's not everyday an author gets to honor a person who has inspired your work but this last Sunday at the Aoba Matsuri (Birthday for Koyasan Buddhism founder Kobo Daishi) at the Los Angeles Koyasan Buddhist Temple in Little Tokyo, we had such an opportunity. In our newly released historical epic The Soldier and the Samurai we based our Soji Nishida character on the template of the real life Shoji Kanogawa (seen here overcome with pure emotion) who actually lived in pre-war Seattle of the 1930's to the forced relocation in 1942. Like our fictional Soji Nishida, Mr. Kanogawa or "Stogie" as he was known not only spent his teens in the "Relocation Camps" of WWII but later served in the US Army in Korea. Mr. Kanogawa later served as our Temple president for many years. So this last sunday we were pleased to present him and the real Nishida Family aka the Kanogawa's their own copy of our epic with sections based on the many conversations with Mr. Kanogawa before he had his debilitating stroke in 2013. Like in our fictional tale, we hope our book becomes for the Kanogawa family much like the Tanto knife of Harada Sanosuke and becomes a family heirloom thus life imitating art.
The real "Nishida" family Mr. Shoji Kanogwa with his longtime wife and one of his grown up daughters.

Order your copy of The Soldier and the Samurai here!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Samurai Blue Update

In the end, it was a great effort with no real results. Japan failed to capitalize on Greece's deficiencies with one man out from a red card and multiple fouls by Greece. With two losses each, Japan and Greece both face elimination in this years World Cup. There is still one game left but despite having the home crowd advantage, the odds are against Japan. Ganbarre Nippon!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New American Mishima Epic Released!

Our long awaited Historical epic has finally been published!

Story Synopsis:
When the Elite Corps of Samurai known as the Shinsengumi were driven from their base in Kyoto, they were branded Imperial Rebels. Of their 300 members, few survived. Of its three famous surviving Captains, no one knows for certain what became of 10th Unit Captain Harada Sanosuke. Based on a real life 1965 rumor that surfaced in Japanese newspapers, The Soldier and the Samurai is a tale of gratitude and redemption that tells the story of a mysterious old man who claimed to be the famous lost Samurai who surfaced in 1895 Manchuria saving the lives of three Japanese Soldiers during the first Sino-Japan War before disappearing again. It will be up to Nishida Keisuke who must return to Manchuria during the Japan-Russo War to solve the mystery of the elderly Japanese man’s identity who saved him and that of a mysterious inscription written on the back of a Tanto knife that will alter the course of his life and that of the Nishida family for generations to come!

Product Details

  • Paperback: 278 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 14, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1500183059
  • ISBN-13: 978-1500183059
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.6 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
  • Kindle Format Available

Click Here to Order Your Copy of The Soldier and the Samurai

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

American Mishima Visits The Battleship Iowa BB-61

We've long been a big fan of WWII era battle wagons such as the Bismark, Yamato, and the USS Missouri. This last weekend we got our opportunity to step aboard the USS Iowa BB-61, one of four remaining Iowa Class battleships in the world. With her 16 " guns she was the pride of the US Navy who deployed her in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the first Gulf War. She is currently moored in San Pedro California and is well worth the visit. Please enjoy!
Massive 16" guns were the super weapons of their day hurling a shell 25 miles over the horizon.
Firing one of these shells is like firing a Volkswagon Bug 25 miles at you.
 For anyone who had seen the film Otoko Tachi no Yamato, it's hard not to think of it from this angle.
Memorial plaque for the lives lost when the main turret exploded killing scores of crewmen trapped inside.
View of one of the remaining 5" guns.
Here's a view of the Phalanx Air Defense System installed in the 1980's.
Here is one of the two Tomahawk Missile batteries installed in the 1980's.
Anti-Submarine/Ship Harpoon Missiles.
And finally, the fantail view of the ship.
To visit or simply learn more about the battleship please visit:

Monday, June 16, 2014

一日の画像 - Picture of the Day

Seen here are Local Japanese-American WWII re-en actors pose for photos representing the legendary "Go For Broke" 442nd Regimental Combat Team at the Battleship Iowa. The 442nd was entirely comprised of Nisei recruited from the was "Relocation" camps.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014 FIFA World Cup: Samurai Blue Fall Short in Opener.

Honda Keisuke scored Japan's first goal at the 16th minute but the Samurai Blue failed to achieve overall ball possession for the rest of the match. Ivory Coast came back from behind in the second half and scored two back to back goals at the 64th & 66th minute. Stay Tuned!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Midway Remembered

Seen here is The Last Zero Fighter Author Daniel King with Japanese & American Veterans of the Battle of Midway Atoll that took place June 5th, 1942. This battle ended in a major defeat for the Empire of Japan with the loss of four carriers in it's attempt to seize the strategic atoll. This marked the turning point in the Pacific War and the beginning of the end for the Imperial Japanese Navy. American Mishima is happy to see that time has indeed healed old wounds where these old warriors can come together in peace.