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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Return of the Japanese Aircraft Carrier?

In a move we have long predicted, Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force has announced their intention to study the possibility of upgrading their two existing Izumo Class Carriers to carry F-35B Stealth Fighters. This move which could be seen as a move away from the Post War agreement in Japan's constitution that forbids the possession of Aircraft Carriers was inevitable. This has been facilitated through the efforts of the Ruling LDP party which calls for the creation of multi-purpose motherships that could help in disaster situations as well as bolster Japan's defense. With growing threats from the PLA/N and North Korea, the government of Shinzo Abe has taken the initiative to call for a review to Post War restrictions imposed by the Allies at the end of WWII. The changing needs for Japan's defense must be met to bring balance to the ever-changing situation in the South China Seas, the Sea of Japan, and the growing threats of natural disasters created by Climate Change. The addition of fighter jets will likely draw the ire of Beijing, but in the face of their recent assertiveness, they had to have seen this coming. While there are currently no known calls for the construction of a new carrier with an angled deck, upgrading these existing 19,500-ton carriers makes the best sense. To counter the growing threats and the balance of maritime power in the region, we will continue to observe the JMSDF's evolution from a pure self-defense force to that of a modern multi-purpose Navy with great interest.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Picture of the Day

Seen here is our daughter Mia-Naoko dressed in Kimono for her Age seven Shichi-go-san ceremony that was held at the Koyasan Buddhist Temple in Little Tokyo. At her age three Shichi-go-san, she still could not walk. Four years later, she has since overcome many challenges her Autism has dealt her. For a girl they once said would likely never walk or hold her own head up, she has come a long way, and we as parents are very proud of her.

Awkward at APEC

Seen here is Japanese PM Shinzo Abe with the Sultan of Brunei looking rather awkward with American Vice President & noted Gay Conversion Therapy Enthusiast Mike Pence in the middle at this year's APEC summit held in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Wearing the same selected attire is nothing new at APEC. That being said, it makes no sense. As one comment on Japan Today noted, "You don't see world leaders wear Lederhosen when they summit in Germany or Mumu's in Africa, so why this?" This silly APEC summit tradition of wearing garish shirts sounds like a Communist plot to make World Leaders look silly. Call it what you will, but this is just one man's opinion, and I am sticking to it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

New American Mishima Audiobook Release

We are pleased to announce the release of our Audiobook version of our Science Fiction drama ISHIMARU narrated by Thomas F. Zainea. Paperback and Kindle editions are also available. 

Please enjoy!

Monday, November 12, 2018

While No One Was Looking, Japan Loses Island

It was only two weeks ago that scientists sounded the alarm bells on Climate Change. In northern Hokkaido Japan, that message might have just hit home. The tiny uninhabited islet, called Esanbe Hanakita Kojima seems to have disappeared. It's speculated that this four-foot-high island in the disputed Kuril Territory may have eroded as it slipped below the waves. No one knows for sure how this happened or when. As far as Japanese Officials are concerned, this does little to affect Japan's territorial sovereignty in its on-going dispute with Russia. That being said, this may pose a navigational hazard of which the Japanese Coast Guard is looking into. In any case, this is just one more indication of how this planet is changing. We will only get so many chances to avert further climate impacted catastrophes. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

American Mishima Web Series Episode 4

Here is our latest video Author Web Series installment of our Science Fiction Drama Ishimaru. Here, Author Louis Edward Rosas will discuss in brief what went into making this story that evolved over a twenty year period in conjunction with it's most recent re-release on paperback. Please enjoy!
To order your copy of ISHIMARU please click on this link.
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