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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gaikoku no Higeki Story Update

I have been working on my current novel for some time now. Originally I wrote the first Act of Dorama Haiku - Gaikoku no Higeki aka a Foreign Tragedy as a thirty page screen play. Over the last six months it has evolved into a three story screen play and then a full blown novel in three acts. By mid September 2009 I had Dorama Haiku read by a copy editor who advised me to rework it and lengthen the story. I am happy to have taken this advice for I now have a stronger and far more detailed first act. It was my original intention to release A Foreign Tragedy as a stand alone book. After much addition and major rework I have decided to return to that plan. Dorama Haiku will just be known as a trilogy in which each act will be released as it's own book in the series. Otherwise it will take me another year to have all three books ready for publication and I don't want to wait that long. And for my friends who have been waiting for me to complete this I am sure they don't want to wait that long either. The Depth of Echoes and IISHIMARU for the time being will have to wait.

The Complexities of Man have lead to tragedies far and abound.
Time bears no malice for Ego is the fodder of Great Deception.
Only Truth redeems us all.

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