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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

侍映画 - Sanjuro 2007 Remake Screening in Little Tokyo

The remake of Akira Kurosawa's Sanjuro starring Yûji Oda will be on the big screen at the upcoming Little Tokyo/Korea Japan Festival at the Aratani / Japan Theater on 02.06.10. This is a JACCC sponsored event featuring the Korean film Rough Cut and the Documentary New Beginnings: Cultural Harmony in Little Tokyo. This will be followed by a live performance and lunch. Admission is $20.00

I haven't seen this yet but what I would love to know would be what would Toshiro Mifune would have to say if her were still alive today. In any case, it will be a tall order to top Mifune! Ne'

For more information please visit: http://www.jaccc.org/events.htm


  1. I didn't know there was a remake of this film.

  2. Neither did I but we are soon to find out! I'll be there.
