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Sunday, October 17, 2010

雨の中のリトル東京 - Little Tokyo in the Rain

It’s been awhile since I have had time to write something for American Mishima. My contract job at Comcast Entertainment Group has left me little time or energy to be creative but the desire and though involved never tires. I assure you I will find a way to continue writing and not abandon my faithful readers like I have unintentionally done with my cooking blog which at some point I will do my best to resurrect. I have been working on an entry on my recent Shinto Shrine visit but it has been long and coming. So while I was on my way to the Koyasan Betsuin this early Sunday morning, I took note of the light rain that came down over Little Tokyo and took these three images of the newly renovated Japanese Plaza with my new Digital Sony Cybershot camera.

Little Tokyo has a magic of its own and particularly at New Years and Obon. But when the rain comes to the City of Angels, Little Tokyo takes on a more natural setting. In a sense, as if you were somewhere else like it might had been originally intended without leaving Los Angeles.

It is in these images taken outside the newly installed stage & fountain in front of the Nijiya Market you can appreciate the renovations without being lost in the crowd.


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