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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reflections on a Year Past

The year of the Tiger had lived up to it’s namesake full of activity and intensity. It had been indeed a busy year for me with many accomplishments, highs, lows, and much work unfinished. In this past year I had achieved my Jiho rank in Shinkendo and Roku Kyu in Toyama Ryu. Together with my girlfriend and constant traveling companion Tinahime, we followed the steps of legendary Samurai Katsu Kaishu and John Manjiro to San Francisco which resulted in a most vivid chapter in my ongoing historical novel The Setting Sun. By June, I had a small reprieve from my long state of unemployment and worked two weeks at Comcast Entertainment Group. With the funds I had earned, I fulfilled a promise to visit Seattle and make a Shrine visit to the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America near the Canadian border to partake in Misogi. Along the way we made some more Japanese friends Atsuko, Imanaka Sensei, and Hiroko while seeing my tomodachi Julien Ikeda leave for Japan.

This year had seen many ceremonies and events all culminating the second and final phase of my most destructive critical two year cycle. Fortunes somewhat changed weeks after performing Shinto Misogi leading me to five long yet very stressful months back at Comcast which has now concluded. And though I left there on less than happier terms I am happy that this allowed me another opportunity to return to Seattle in October for a day to see a soccer match and enjoy the fabulous waterfront and views from the Space Needle. This had been a year that I had become reaquainted with my love of Futbol-Soccer starting with the World Cup and the rest of the LA Galaxy MLS season. This had also seen the first girlfriend to survive a World Cup. Usually they leave me during the cup but this one became a fan and all the better for it. Hence now we are committed season Ticket holders in the LA Riot Squad and the American Outlaws Supporters Groups.

And though I begin the Year of the Rabbit much as I had done with the Year of the Tiger, out of work, broke, and uncertain what lies ahead. I must take stock in Tinahime’s sense of optimisms that I often lack. The Year of the Rabbit will either multiply my problems or multiply opportunities to get ahead and find happiness. I will continue to write and hope this is the year I will become published. I will continue to practice Shinto and be active in the Koyasan Betsuin. My ties in our little community in Little Tokyo will continue to grow and the unforeseen may bring my critical year to an end this March. It is said in Buddhism that we are all responsible for our own happiness or misery. I can’t guarantee that this moody Pisces will always do the right thing but we shall try as we have always try. May the year of the Rabbit bring you all peace and prosperity? Thank you for reading my blog. ありがとう

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