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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

災害救援の努力- MLS W.O.R.K.S. Joins the Disaster Relief Effort

The International response to the Disaster Relief efforts in Japan have been huge. Earlier this week I announced that two Major League Soccer teams in the U.S. (San Jose Earthquakes and the Seattle Sounders) had joined up with the Red Cross to raise funds for the Japan relief effort. As of today, I am happy to announce that after much letter writing and appealls to our local MLS clubs for help, Major League Soccer's community outreach program MLS  W.O.R.K.S. has done the right thing and stepped up to the plate to join in on the relief efforts for the People of Japan. Domo-Arigatou Gozaimashite! I could write further in depth but rather I will provide you with the link so you can read their official press release that just came in my mail only minutes ago. Throughout this crisis, the internet has proven to be a powerful tool for good. By posting and reposting articles and appeals for help using blogs and social media such as facebook and twitter as well as individual emails to people and orginizations, the people of Japan are one step closer to rebuilding their lives and their nation that will continue to need both our love and support. If you can not donate directly please continue to participate in this global effort by spreading the word and encourage people everywhere to help. ども ありがとう ございます!

To read the full MLS Press Release please visit: MLS W.O.R.K.S. Japan Relief Campaign

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