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Thursday, March 17, 2011

救助活動 - Sandra Bullock Helps Japan Relief Effort

Oscar winning actress Sandra Bullock has become the first US celebrity to make a sizable donation of one million dollars to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. Since the outbreak of this tragedy, Americans have genersously opened their hearts and their pocketbooks to donate over $47 million dollars to the relief efforts in Japan. Many more have made appeals for donations largely through use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. These funds have been passed onto the Japanese Red Cross which has now taken in over ten million dollars in U.S. donations and will need much more to help rebuild the shattered lives this tragedy has left behind.

Despite all the goodwill for those affected by this tragedy there has been some bitter criticism by some people in the U.S. who for whatever reason harbor resentments against Japan or see this tragedy as merely a Japanese problem. These misguided people are in the minorty. Americans for the most part have great compassion and have time and time again contributed more money to disaster relief efforts than any other country in the world.  The overwhelming American response has once again shown America's generosity and compassion for people in need just as they have done in other recent tragedies such as the ones in New Zealand, Chile, and Haiti.

We at American Mishima would like to thank Sandra Bullock for her contribution to the People of Japan during this crisis. We hope that other people whether famous or not will continue to do all they can to help the Japanese in this time of crisis and ultimately people everywhere in need. It's often said when times are at their worst, people bring out their best. We ask everyone to please continue to do so.

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