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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ばか! Sea Shepard Founder Adds Foul to Disaster.

Eco-Terrorist & Founder of the Sea Shepherd Society Paul Watson called Japan's Tsunami disaster that killed hundreds "Divine Punishment." What a serious ばかやろ! I don't care how much you value whales over human life, this is not the time to be should be so callous & cruel. It's uncalled for cold blooded hateful Anti-Japanese statements like these in the wake of such catostrophic loss of life that makes this author want to do the unconscionable and side with the Whalers!

For the record, we have never really agreed with commercial whaling but at the same time we can not endorse the pirate tactics and actions that violate international law and maritime safety endangering lives on the high seas by either the Sea Shepherds crew or it's founder Paul Watson. Regardless how you feel about the whaling debate this is not the time to be casting judgement on innocent civilians who have lost everything that have nothing to do with Japan's whaling industry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We just think Paul Watson's opinion on the Tsunami tragedy is not only wrong but utterly inhuman. ばか!


  1. No arguement from me Jon. Total ばか やろ!

  2. I agree with your post 100%, but feel I must correct something. He didn't say the tsunami was "divine punishment". What he did was write a poem about the sea god Neptune exacting revenge on Japan, and then people across the internet quite reasonably interpreted it as meaning Watson considered it divine punishment. Meanwhile many many Sea Shepherd supporters cheered in the comments section of the poem, things like "karma!" and "mother nature's revenge!". He of course denies this negative interpretation of his poem, and has since published an article about how very offended he is that anyone could possibly think that he holds any ill will toward the people of Japan or that his poem suggests anything of the sort. Venomous anti-Japanese comments from insane Sea Shepherd supporters were cleansed from the comments section. This after the original poem went viral via Japanprobe and non-insane Sea Shepherd supporters started threatening to withdraw their support. Carry on!

  3. @neonzebra - Thanks for letting us know. It's good to know not everyone at the SS has such extreme contempt for the Japanese population. The actions of a few should never indite an entire race or country.

  4. You're welcome! But don't give them too much credit. Not everyone of them has extreme contempt for the Japanese population, but a whole lot of them do. I'd say it's about 50/50, and even that might be too generous.
