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Friday, December 2, 2011

Kotohajime Date Announced for 2012

No New Years in Little Tokyo is not complete without the annual Kotohajime - First Performance of the year put on by the Japanese-American Cultural & Community Center aka JACCC. Due to continued renovations at the New Aratani Theater, this years Kotohajime will be performed outdoors in the JACCC Plaza. We have gone every year for the last six years and have never been disappointed culminating each years performance with the  ritual shooting of the arrow – a purification ceremony –  performed by IKKYU of the Los Angeles Kyudo Archery Group and the annual Sake toast. So if you have never been to one of these performances, here's your chance to see and take part in one of the best and most culturally unique celebrations taking place in the City of Angels in the heart of Little Tokyo.

Kotohajime will take place Sunday, 01.08.12, 1pm in the JACCC Plaza - Free Admission. 

  See you there!

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