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Sunday, February 5, 2012

2012 Hoshimatsuri

Here's a few images from the Los Angeles Koyasan Temple's 2012 Hoshimatsuri Star Festival taken today in Little Tokyo.

Similar to the Goma Fire Ritual, the Heart Sutra is recited while good fortune abounds to your Star Sign.

A pair of famous faces from Clint Eastwood's "Letters From Iwo Jima" resident actors Yoshi Ando & Akira Kaneda are in attendance.
Every Hoshimatsuri invites each years reigning Nisei Week Queen who kindly offers you the traditional Hoshimatsuri soy beans to eat as many as the years you are old or to throw at the Oni while chanting Oni no Soto to drive misfortune away.

2012 is going to be a year of fortune!

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