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Saturday, March 10, 2012

In Remembrance of 03.10.2011

It was exactly one year ago that the great earthquake of 2011 hit the Sendai region of Japan which unleashed the tsunami that swept away some 20,000 lives. It is difficult to comprehend the scale of the human tragedy from the safe distance of the United States but that being said, the numerous horrific images of people running for their lives will live on with us who witnessed the  disaster unfold on live television and in our living rooms. I often weep as I peruse through the numerous heart breaking images that have since circled the internet and beyond.  Of the many images available, we chose to repost this photo of stone statue of a mother holding a child, bundled up with knit scarves and a cap against the bitterly cold winter. The statue stands near a special altar in front of the main gate of Okawa Elementary School where 74 of the 108 students went missing after the March 11 tsunami in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Northeastern Japan.

We selected this photo by Koji Ueda because it captures a true sense of loss that we as new parents we could not even begin to imagine what devastation parents must have gone through and continue to suffer. Such heartbreak is unimaginable. We at American Mishima ask that you continue to pray and offer support for the people of Japan in remembrance of those lives lost and those who must live on.

1 comment:

  1. That day is still so vivid. It was late at night here in Los Angeles when my wife started freaking out saying there was terrible earthquake in Japan. Her family lives in Northern Tochigi only about 110km from Fukushima Daiichi. She could not get in touch with her family but finally was able to and was relieved to find out her family was unhurt.
