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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

なでしこ日本: Sportsmanship Nadeshiko Japan Style

The Age of the Samurai may be gone but not it's most endearing virtues of fighting with honor. This is most exemplified with the dignified play of Nadeshiko Japan during the London 2012 Olympics. Similar to what took place during the Women's World Cup of 2011(where players of Nadeshiko could not celebrate and bowed before members of our USWNT until our players told them it was OK, please enjoy your victory), Japan's players showed a level of class and respect to their defeated opponents you will not see from any other team. This is what true sportsmanship is all about. At the end of the day you have to go shake the other teams hands and walk out of there with your head held up high win or lose, a concept lost to many of this generation but hopefully not for the future generations that learn from Japan's example. We at American Mishima admire Nadeshiko Japan who we know will be gracious in victory or defeat come this Thursday in the fight for the Gold Medal in the Final Match of Women's Football (Soccer). As Americans we are obligated to support our home team, but know that this match will be between friends. It will be tough. But regardless of how it turns out, we'd like to share these images following the defeat of the French Team. You'll just never see such consolation and respect given to a defeated opponent as seen from these pictures. Enjoy!


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