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Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Final Salute to General Norman Schwarzkopf

General Norman Schwarzkopf, the retired Four Star General & US Army Commander of Coalition Forces during Desert Storm has passed away at his home in Tampa Florida at the age of 78. Had I served during what would have been my war, he would have been my commander. None the less, we found him to be one of the most charismatic admirable generals since George S. Patton who was reputed to have had a short temper earning him the nickname "Stormin' Norman" which he detested yet liked to be known as "The Bear." Son of a West Point Graduate & Army General, Norman Schwarzkopf went on to follow his fathers footsteps and graduated from West Point following which he served with distinction in two tours in Viet Nam earning him Two Bronze Stars. He was such a larger than life figure and the right man to command what Saddam Hussein called the "Mother of all Battles," aka Desert Storm, a war he successfully concluded in three days ending in one of the most overwhelming lopsided victories in history. American Mishima Salutes General Schwarzkopf and thanks him for his service to a grateful nation. To sum up the last words, we'll leave you with this quote from his own post war autobiography It Doesn't Take A Hero: "I like to say I'm not a hero. I was lucky enough to lead a very successful war."

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