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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hatsubon: When Obon Gets Personal

Every second weekend in July has the annual Obon festival throughout the many temples in Little Tokyo. This year however became most personal. If you have been reading our blog you'll know that we have had two deaths in our family this year making us a family in mourning also known as "Hatsubon." Traditionally Hatsubon family members attend the Obon service and offer a candle and memorial plaque to the deceased family members. In my case I offered two candles, one for my uncle Enrique Rosas and for my father Luis Rosas. No members of uncle's family were in attendance thus I represented them as well as my own. My mother was too ill to travel from Arizona so her sister Irma Dominguez stood in for her in her place.
Seen here are the two memorial plaques representing our family. Green candle for Enrique Rosas and Red Candle for Luis Rosas.
Additional offerings to our ancestors were also made at the bamboo altar seen below.
An offering of rice and water is made here for the hungry spirits that come at Obon.
Despite our losses, The Rosas Clan will live on.

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