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Monday, November 3, 2014

Ichiro Dreams In Color Animated Trailer

Here is our first animated promotional trailer for our first illustrated children's book Ichiro Dreams In Color which was both illustrated and written by Louis Edward Rosas. For those who don't already know this is a cautionary tale of how children play in a post war society.

Inspired by real life events, Ichiro combines the author's own childhood growing up in the Post Vietnam Era by a sea side airport where World War II dramas were filmed, thus enabling the author to see waves of vintage Japanese prop planes fly overhead. Combined with the real life experience of Hiroshima Survivor Kazu Suyeshi, Ichiro blends into this panoramic rendering of fiction and thought provoking wonder. To date our best review on Amazon came from a Montessori teacher who read our book to her students who later went outside and pointed at the skies. To order your own copy please visit: Ichiro Dreams In Color.

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