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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Iconic WWII Internee Dies at 103

Ms. Fumiko Hayashida passed away in Seattle Washington this weekend at the age of 103. Ms. Hayashida as seen from her world famous photo that was taken on March 30th, 1942 carrying her then 13 month old daughter became the face of the 227 Nisei who were forced from their homes on Bainbridge Island. This was the result of President FDR's Executive Order 9066 forcing all people of Japanese Ancestry into "War Relocation Camps" which were nothing more than America's Concentration Camps during World War II. She was recorded to be the oldest living survivor of the fewer than 80 survivors of the Bainbridge Island expulsion. We at American Mishima wish her peace and safe journey to the Pureland.

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