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Monday, November 23, 2015

Bomb Explodes at Yasukuni Shrine

In an event we never thought we would ever see happen, someone deliberately detonated a bomb at Japan's Yashukuni Shrine. The revered Shinto Shrine which houses Japan's war dead going all the way back to Japan's Boshin War of the 1860's has long been the subject of controversy due to the enshrinement of a handful of convicted war criminals who are enshrined there, most notably Hideki Tojo - Japan's wartime prime minister. While being a private institution and not a public one it still receives heavy criticism from China and the Koreas. The bomb itself is reported to have been a small device that was dropped through a drilled hole in a public toilet ceiling near the South Gate did little damage, no one was reported hurt. As of latest reporting from Tokyo has relayed, damage was contained to the toilet and did not cause destruction to the Shrine itself. So far no one has claimed responsibility for this attempted desecration of this sacred site akin to our own Arlington National Cemetery. There are over 12 million war dead enshrined there, too many to justify any such action in protest of the 12 Class A convicts there. We at American Mishima believe this is unlikely the result of any of the current terrorism that is taking place around the world at the hands of extremists. Until more is known about this attack, the Shrine has temporarily closed its gates to visitors until further notice. If you are planning to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, please check with their website at Yasukuni Shrine to ensure hours and conditions of operation.

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