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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Upping the Ante: China to build 1st Domesticly Constructed Aircraft Carrier?

As 2015 readies to enter the history books, 2016 looks ahead to more tension in the South China Seas as rumors circulate on the internet of the PRC building it's first domestically produced aircraft carrier. Word has it the Chinese Navy is looking to construct four of these large carriers in addition to the recently deployed former Soviet Navy carrier now renamed Liaoning into service. While many are calling this latest development a potential nightmare for the U.S. Navy, rest assured that while the Chinese have money they do not have the experience or technical know how to build a carrier that could rival our new Ford Class carriers. This none the less will present a challenge to the the U.S. Navy and Japan's JMSDF who at present have two Izumo Class carriers (Izumo & Kaga) but lack the capability to launch fixed wing aircraft due to the restrictions of Article 9 of Japan's American imposed post war constitution. This is exactly what the Abe government needs to emphasize to the the people of Japan that their country and national interests are for the first time since WWII under serious threat from across the sea. In our opinion, the defeatist attitudes of Anti-Abe / Anti-War Pacifists currently protesting the slow re-arming of Japan's small yet capable "Self Defense Forces" are not in tune with the alarming developments on the part of the Chinese Navy. Beijing is counting on the Anti-Abe protesters to instill fears of a certain catastrophic defeat like the one Japan endured at the end of August 1945 should any confrontation with China's Navy happen. This of course is Baka! They do this because while they may not fear today's small  JMSDF, they do fear the idea of Japan's small military becoming powerful enough to resurrect the fears of Japan's aggressive past that saw a brutal occupation of Mainland China. But that was then and this is now.
While China's new rumored carriers are years away from completion, they still have one capable carrier that has already put out to sea. Neither the Governments of the Philippines or Vietnam have the muscle (or in Vietnam's case the political will) to meet these challenges poised by Beijing. So like it or not, it is up to the United States Navy and Japan's JMSDF to keep the peace and freedom of movement in the air and on the high seas of the international waters of the South China Seas.While this problem will most certainly get out of hand, we at American Mishima will pray for peace and hopes that Japan continues to upgrade it's SDF so that cooler heads will prevail.

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