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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Toshiro Mifune to get Star on Walk of Fame!

Legendary film great Toshiro Mifune is set to get a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame in 2016. Mifune (1920-1997) who served as an aerial photographer in Manchuria during WWII never intended to be an actor. He had heard the Toho Studios needed some electricians and applied for work. But when he arrived for the interview and asked to read some lines on a script, he exploded and stormed out of the interview. Luckily for us, his temperament caught the eye of film director Akira Kurosawa who chased after him and talked him into being in his movie and the rest is history. He would go on to be known in the West as the "John Wayne of Japan." Mifune initially starred in early post war film noir films like The Lower Depths but quickly became known for his role in the Seven Samurai, a role which became his all time favorite. He would go on to play such legendary Samurai roles such as The Musashi Samurai Trilogy, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Red Lion, Red Beard, and others. While no date has been released as to when the ceremony will take place, yours truly will try to be there. To date, Akira Kurosawa does not have a star but his star that he created will.This is an honor that is long overdo and we at American Mishima are happy to see it happen.

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