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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Heisei Emperor set to Abdicate the Chrysanthemum Throne?

Japanese media sources have recently reported that the Heisei Emperor is looking to abdicate the Chrysanthemum Throne in order to pass it to Crown Prince Naruhito while he is still alive. This hasn't been done in over 200 years but the fact is the 82 year old Monarch is getting old. He makes this decision based on his ability to carry out his duties as Emperor. While no specific date has been set, the Imperial Household Agency say the Emperor plans to address the public in which he will discuss his future plans and that for the Japanese Imperial Household. They say his decision has been accepted by both Empress Michiko and the Crown Prince. In our humble opinion, he has been a kind, gentle, uplifting symbol of Japan particularly during times of crisis. While we certainly hate to see Emperor Akihito step down after his long 28 year reign, we understand and accept his reasons for retirement. We at American Mishima wish nothing but the best for the Emperor and Empress Michiko. 

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