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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Obon 2016

Seen here are this year's Hatsubon candles and wooden plaque along with offerings at the Koyasan Temple in Little Tokyo Los Angeles. Among those names is are good friend Mr. Soji Kanogawa.It seemed not so long ago we were a Hatsubon family grieving for the losses of my father and uncle. This year we do have one loss in the family. Albeit distant, this is still family.

Martin Ruiz was a direct grandson of my grandfather Luis Rosas-Sanchez from his marriage to his second wife Raquel who by which had two daughters Maria Luisa and Patricia. Martin who I did not know personally is the son of My aunt Maria Luisa which makes him a direct descendant of my grandfather whose looks he had. Unfortunately, time ran out as his pancreatic cancer ended his life before we had a chance to meet so I could tell him of his grandfather he never knew. As with every Obon, family we have prayed for return and partake in the food and drink offerings as is Japanese custom to feed the "Hungry Ghosts." I pray from my grandparents Luis & Rosablanca as well as my father Luis & Uncle Enrique but also for this cousin I never met so that he too can eat and possibly meet this grandfather. Martin was originally from Mexico City and had been living in New York City where he had been receiving treatment. He is survived by his wife and three children. Such a tragic loss to die so young in his early 30's. We would like to think that he was there today with the rest of the departed Rosas family & friends at the Koyasan Buddhist Temple sitting with his grandfather offering me a quick smile and a wave for the thought of our offerings and prayers. Obon is special in that way even if you are not Japanese or Buddhist for that matter. My grandparents have since seemed more comfortable and in a sense quite possibly my uncle since my father explained how this all works. We wish all our family and friends who have passed on a happy Obon and may they enjoy the food & drink and smile down upon us wherever they may be.
In Gassho.

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