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Friday, September 23, 2016

Japan's F-35A Rollout

In a recent lavish celebration held in Texas, American Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin and the Japanese Ministry of Defense has announced the official roll out of the first of 42 F-35A Lightning Stealth Fighter planes for Japan's Air Self Defense Force.Lockheed has partnered with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and other Japanese Contractors to tailor the new Joint Strike Fighter to Japan's specific defense needs.Initial assembly will take place at Fort Worth while final assembly will take place in Nagoya Japan. Japanese pilots will train with other pilots and maintenance personnel from Norway and Italy at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. The planes will eventually be based at Misawa which is home to the USAF's 35th Fighter Wing flying older F-16's.
All fanfare aside, it is our hope that Mitsubishi will resolve the issues plaguing this controversial 5th Generation fighter plane. While it has its stealth and vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, it's two missile and 1200 round gun limitations are cause for great concerns. It will be up to Japanese engineers to make this work. We at American Mishima wish them all the success. がんばって ください!

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