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Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 New Years Greetings

Happy New Years everyone! As per our New Years tradition, we at American Mishima feature a photo of the Japanese Heisei Emperor delivering his New Years Greeting from the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan. As seen in the photo Crown Princess Masako, Crown Prince Naruhito, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko are seen greeting the Japanese nation. The Imperial Household Agency reports that some 58,600 people were present many of which waving small Japanese flags were there to raise their arms and shout "Banzai" which in this context translates to "Long Life." We are particularly happy to see this and while the Heisei Emperor is pushing to abdicate the throne due to his advanced age, recent prostate cancer issues, and heart problems. We look forward to his continued health & happiness and warm New Years Greetings to both the Japanese people and the world at large. あけまして おめでとう ございます! ばんざい! ばんざい! ばんざい!

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