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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Cringe-worthy Moments: When Abe Met Donald in the Oval Office

It is safe to say that yesterday's embarrassing meeting at the oval office with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will not be the last cringe-worthy moment we will see from America's new mismanagement. When we look back to the warm relationship & diplomacy of former President Obama to the in your face style of the Donald, its clear we have gone from Class to Ass. But don't take our word for it, read Shinzo Abe's body language and you'll say WOW! Behold!
This hand over fist approach was as creepy as the way he touches....
Yeah. Creepy!
Mind you this bizarre handshake lasted over 18 seconds too long.
Abe to Aide: Get the plane ready! はやく!
One Eye Roll worth a thousand words!

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