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Monday, January 22, 2018

Signs of Dangerous Times: Tokyo's 1st Military Attack Drills Since WWII

This week for the first time since the end of the Second World War, Tokyo citizens held evacuation drills to rehearse in the event of an military attack. Only now. the threats no longer come from waves of American B-29 bombers carrying clumsy incendiary bombs. Rather they come from North Korea's missile launches that could potentially carry nuclear warheads with a kiloton yield far greater than what destoryed Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the closing days of WWII. And while this was just a simulation, recent events must have added a sense of urgency if not panic among some of its participants scambling for cover as messages read over loudspeakers:"We have information that a missile launch has occurred. Please evacuate calmly inside a building or underground." Monents later, a second message was announced via loudspeaker: "The missile passed. The missile likely flew over the Kanto region towards the Pacific Ocean." Scary stuff!

With the unstable leadership from Washington now entering it's second year and increased missile tests from the rogue nation seeking to use it's growing nuclear arsenel as a means to blackmail the world into giving Kim Jong Un's totalitarian regime aid, we can expect the need for more drills to prepare the Citizens of Japan for the real possibility of a war that will spill over from the Korean penninsula that Japan nor it's vocal pacifists can not avoid. We at American Mishima certainly hope and pray that war does not befall Japan or the region but these are dangerous times and the realities of the 21st Century are upon us. Please continue to pray for peace.

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