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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

JMSDF Appoints 1st Female Fleet Commander

This week saw another important milestone for women in Japan's Martime Self-Defense Force with the appointment of Commander Ryoko Azuma as it's first female Fleet Commander. Cdr. Azuma (as seen in the above REUTERS/Nobuhiro Kubo photo) will now command a four vessel escort squadron that includes the Helecopter "Destroyer" carrier Izumo. She will have a total of 1000 personelle under her command which includes 30 women. This is a long way from how things were  when she joined the JMSDF in 1996. Back then, no women were allowed to serve on ships. This rule was abolished a decade ago with the sole prohibition preventing women from serving on submarines. Give them time I say! The 44 year old Commander is quoted in a public statement in Yokohama as saying: "I don't think about being a woman. I will concentrate my energy on fulfilling my duties as commander." We at American Mishima wish her great success. がんばって ください!

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