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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shogun World Revealed!

Last season of HBO's Westworld, audiences were teased with the appearence of Samurai indicating the possibility of additional worlds to the fictional Delenos themepark. A park unlike any other where adults pay a steep price to live out their violent lustful fantasies and violent ends with the aid of android "hosts." In the original Westworld and Futureworld movies of the 1970's, there was Medieval World, Roman World, and Futureworld. Westworld was shut down after the hosts murdered all the guests. ast forward to the present. HBO ressurected this old franchise and elevated to new exciting levels. 
For Japanophiles and Samurai history enthusiasts, the addition of Shogun world has been a titalating prospect we look forward to with great anticipation. We hope Westworld will do Shogun World right.

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