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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Playing the Fool or Played by the Fool? PM Abe's Risk By Association With America's Unstable Leader

In a week of chaos made by America's Reality TV Show "President," PM Abe of Japan plays a risky game with Donald Trump at his private resort in Florida. We're not sure exactly what Mr. Abe is thinks he is doing there. On the surface, he's there to discuss the TPP agreement and other concessions. But is he trying to reason with the unreasoable? Or is he using his political savvy to out-con a notorious con-artist? They say there is guilt by association and for PM Abe, he is taking an awful risk that could cost him. With Abe's unpopularity at an all time high is it worth attempting to get close with a scandal ridden president facing possible impeachment who just threw his own Secretary of State under the bus while coddling up to Vladimir Putin? The risk for Abe is if he walks away empty handed, he becomes the fool. This would not look good for Japan nor for our alliance with Japan. By playing into Donald Trump's rule by chaos, PM Abe is seeking to follow Trump's toxic brand mirroring a metting with North Korea's leaders, a move that would give the rogue regime letgitimacy. That's something no American administration has done or should do for it weakens our levearge against the nuclear armed totalitarian regime as well as playing right into Pyongyang's hands. We would like to think based on PM Abe's early body language from his first meeting with Trump that he sees Donald Trump as the fool and not the other way around. But this may not be so. In becoming Trump's golfing buddy, this uncomfortable personal association exposes a weakness that will further hurt Abe politically at home and abroad not to mention his golf game which its well known that Donald often cheats. Many Americans here don't trust Donald Trump, and neither should Shinzo Abe. We sure hope PM Abe knows what he is doing. As we say here in America, the optics look bad. When you lie down with dogs, expect fleas. 

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