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Thursday, May 3, 2018

While the World is Distracted, China Deploys Missiles on Disputed Islands

As much as American Media focuses much of its attention on one man's chaos, the Chinese military quietly deployed air-to-air and anti-shipping missiles on disputed islands in the South China Seas. According to French sources monitoring the situation, this provocation on the part of the PLA/Navy will only result in escalated tensions in the region. CNBC further confirms these deployments have taken place on the Fiery Cross Reef, Subi Reef, and Mischief Reef. These islands are part of the Spratly archipelago and part of Bejings absurd historical claim to soveriegnty over the entire South china Seas which the United Nations ruled out. Not withstanding the UN's rebuke, they know with full confidence that America is too distracted by our Reality T.V. Host playing President to do anything about it. His endless scandals have served as a distration for him to be concerend with what is happening in the South china Seas and Beijing is taking full advantage of it. This of course, will provoke a response on the part of the U.S. Navy. The situation is a prelude to disaster given our current lack of leadership. Our foolish leader's thinks he can beat a skillful chess player with a lousy game checkers on the high seas provided he himself is not too distracted with his own made up conspiracy theories he peddles to his deplorable voter base and further antagonizing American people who don't support him on Twitter. It's not television. It is a dangerous world. Unless the PRC de-escalates the situation which we know they won't, or Trump is forcibly removed from power, or grows a pair and starts acting like a leader, the region will further inch closer to an armed conflict. Let's hope cooler heads prevail and no one gets hurt.

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