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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dancing With Dictators Part III: When Tyrant Trounces Traitor

On the heels of the most recent G7 economic summit where American Anti-President Donald Trump alienated our allies and praised our enemies in Russia, the Summit to Nowhere Photo Op took place in Singapore. This should have never happened under these circumstances. Donald took his ill-equipped team that included former NBA freak show Dennis Rodman to the Dictators Love Fest and essentially fulfilled the desires of his puppet masters in the Kremlin to the delight of Beijing. As a result, the following failures occurred.

1.       Trump Legitimized Kim Jong Un.
2.       Trump excluded South Korea from the talks.
3.       Trump displayed admiration for a murderous tyrant.
4.       Trump called for a halt of all US/ROK Military Readiness Exercises.
5.       Trump declared his intention to remove American Troops from Korea.
6.       Trump walked away with Zero assurances for denuclearization.
7.       Trump opened the door to make real estate deals for personal profit.
8.       Trump declares victory for a meaningless photo-op.
9.       Trump made America look Weak.
10.   Kim Jong Un walks away the winner in Propaganda Coup.

The writers of the Cold War drama The Manchurian Candidate could not have dreamed up a more nightmarish script, unfortunately, this is our reality watching America fall in a slow-dive from grace in a grandiose act of stupidity and personal self-enrichment. In a nutshell, Trump has put South Korea in a dangerous situation of which could prime the Seoul for military invasion. Such an event would lead to catastrophe that would make Operation Frequent Wind look like child’s play. As an American, I am disgusted by the self-serving actions of this Anti-President who makes enemies of our closest allies and coddles up to dictators. We have a word for an American who works against his own country's interests. It's called Traitor. His removal from power could not come soon enough.

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