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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Imperial Japanese Fleet of the 1960's Imagined in TV Science Fiction Drama

Seen here are screenshots taken from the Science Fiction drama The Man in the High Castle Season Three trailer. If you are aware of this television series, it depicts an alternate reality where the Axis Powers of WWII won the war. 
In it, America has been vanquished and further divided into three zones, The Greater Nazi Reich to the east, The Neutral Zone in the Rockies, and the Japanese Occupied Japanese Pacific States. Lucky for us, this is just fantasy and does offer an intelligent drama where a few select people know that the 1960's depicted in the series is not the way history is supposed to be. We won't spoil it for you but enjoy these dramatic photos of the IJN Combined Fleet entering San Francisco Bay. 
 If you would like to see this clip from Season Three, please view the video below:

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