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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Japanese Billionaire to be First Space Tourist to Circle Moon

Space X announced this week that Japanese 42-year-old billionareYusaku Maezawa will be their first Space Tourist to circle the moon on their new Big Falcon Rocket aka BFR sometime in 2023. Company founder Elon Musk hasn't disclosed what Maezawa is paying for this trip, but he says this ticket has helped propel the project. Earlier stories about this planned space tourism to the moon runs suggested that these flights would be completely automated. I don't know about you, but the idea of going to the moon without a pilot scares the crap out of me particularly with unproven technology far from home. Then you have to take into account the re-entry process back to Earth. I would rather trust the professionals at NASA who have been doing this for over half a century. That being said, NASA plans to make their own run to the moon sometime in the next decade. No one has been there since 1972. I wish Mr. Maezawa and his group of artists he intends to take with him much luck. I personally think this is crazy, but then again fortune favors the bold. Both Elon Musk and Maezawa have both these qualities that have made them both billionaires. I suspect, they will come on top. Ganbatte Kudasai!

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