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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Process of Abdication

As the Heisei Era draws to a close, Emperor Akihito performs a series of Shinto rituals at three Imperial Sanctuaries on the Imperial Palace grounds in preparation of his Abdication. As reported by NHK, the first ceremony was performed at the main shrine Kashikodokoro. Emperor Akihito bowed and read an ancient-worded script to report his abdication and its date to Imperial ancestor Amaterasu-Omikami, the sun goddess, who is enshrined there. The Imperial Household Agency says he will also report his abdication at the Mausoleum of Emperor Jinmu in Nara Prefecture, who is Japan's first emperor. He will then visit the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of Ise and from there to the Mausoleum of his father, the late Showa Emperor Hirohito. All of these solemn rites are being conducted in private. And while it is sad to see him go, it is a necessary completion to his thirty year reign. We at American Mishima wish the Emperor Emeritus a peaceful transition and a happy retirement.

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