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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Petulant Pettiness: USS John McCain Ordered To Protect Fragile Ego

In an incident that is beneath the office of the presidency, Donald Trump has stooped to his lowest level of vile pettiness by having the White House order the crew of the USS John McCain to have the destroyer currently under repairs to be hidden from sight for his visit to Japan. The ship's name was covered by a blue tarp and sailors wearing caps bearing the ships name were given leave. This is the third incident in less than a month (The Mike Pence strip club cheer order, USS WASP patches, and now this) that this now exposed (by Robert Mueller as being elected with the help of the Russian GRU) illegitimate regime has brought shame to the men and women who proudly serve in the United States Navy. No president in our entire history has acted in such a vile and vindictive way towards a late Senator who criticized his policies. This is the act of a Third World Two-bit dictator despot, not an American President. We deserve better. We sure hope those guys on the USS WASP who were caught out of uniform wearing unauthorized patches bearing his likeness were paying attention. This isn't about politics, this is about NAVY Pride. No Navy veteran or current active duty sailor should stand for this insult and neither shall we. #GoNavy!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


In a direct challenge to the People’s Republic of China, the United States Navy has been sent to the South China Sea. They, along with their Japanese allies are there to conduct Freedom of Navigation operations in International Waters near the disputed Spratly Islands chain. But as escalating tensions mount, something extraordinary has taken place. Lurking high up in the clouds at 20,000 feet above sea level, an elusive object of unknown origin or intent has intruded upon contested airspace leaving little room for error. As the geopolitical balance of power inches closer toward armed conflict, it will be up to U.S. Naval Aviator, Lieutenant Commander Eileen Hunter, to push man and machine to avert a war and discover a forbidden truth.

In continuation of the intrigue in ROBOT PLANET, American Mishima author Louis Edward Rosas presents a new high-flying adventure that delves into the current geopolitical tensions taking place in the Far East. Contact at Fiery Cross will not only further question if we are alone in the universe, but if so, to what extent have they influenced our affairs.

This book is now available on Paperback and eBook editions. To order your copy, please click on the following link for: CONTACT AT FIERY CROSS. Thank you!

American Mishima Classic Re-Release

Late last year, we had pulled The Setting Sun: Death and Deception on the Bakumatsu Trail for a major re-edit and reformat. New editing software and improved techniques allowed us to go back and fix this story. What's changed is the cover and the book title which has been streamlined to just The Setting Sun. There is also a change in the overall length of the story. We also removed some of the Japanese dialog as well as some other elements which took away from the story. We at American Mishima hope you will give this epic tale set in 1860's Japan by American Mishima author Louis Edward Rosas a second chance for we believe you will enjoy this improved story now available on Paperback and eBook. An Audiobook will also be available soon. To get your copy, please visit the following link for THE SETTING SUN. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

First Rites of the Reiwa Era

Seen here is Emperor Naruhito performing his first rites within the Imperial Palace. In this age-old Shinto custom, the new Reiwa Emperor reports to this ancestors in three sanctuaries to announce his ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne.
Empress Masako also visited the same sanctuaries, her first visit since 2002. Over the past years, she has had issues with stress related to limitations placed upon her joining the Imperial Family. We wish her well and pray this transition will be a happier one. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Emperor Naruhito's Speech

Today marks the first official day of the Reiwa Era. In his ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne, Emperor Naruhito is seen here with Empress Masako, and Crown Prince Akishino, delivered his first speech the People of Japan, and in extension, as his majesty stated: "those who stand by them." We offer here, an opportunity to share his kind words:

"I have hereby succeeded to the Throne pursuant to the Constitution of Japan and the Special Measures Law on the Imperial House Law. When I think about the important responsibility I have assumed, I am filled with a sense of solemnity. Looking back, His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus, since acceding to the Throne, performed each of his duties in earnest for more than 30 years, while praying for world peace and the happiness of the people, and at all times sharing in the joys and sorrows of the people. He showed profound compassion through his own bearing. I would like to express my heartfelt respect and appreciation of the comportment shown by His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus as the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people of Japan. In acceding to the Throne, I swear that I will reflect deeply on the course followed by His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus and bear in mind the path trodden by past emperors, and will devote myself to self-improvement. I also swear that I will act according to the Constitution and fulfill my responsibility as the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people of Japan, while always turning my thoughts to the people and standing with them. I sincerely pray for the happiness of the people and the further development of the nation as well as the peace of the world."

The Dawn of the Reiwa Era

Happy New Era! We would like to convey many thoughts of renewed optimism for the new Reiwa Era and for Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. But instead of our usual commentary, we will leave you with this beautiful banner photo shared by the Japanese Embassy and let it speak volumes. Please enjoy!