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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Petulant Pettiness: USS John McCain Ordered To Protect Fragile Ego

In an incident that is beneath the office of the presidency, Donald Trump has stooped to his lowest level of vile pettiness by having the White House order the crew of the USS John McCain to have the destroyer currently under repairs to be hidden from sight for his visit to Japan. The ship's name was covered by a blue tarp and sailors wearing caps bearing the ships name were given leave. This is the third incident in less than a month (The Mike Pence strip club cheer order, USS WASP patches, and now this) that this now exposed (by Robert Mueller as being elected with the help of the Russian GRU) illegitimate regime has brought shame to the men and women who proudly serve in the United States Navy. No president in our entire history has acted in such a vile and vindictive way towards a late Senator who criticized his policies. This is the act of a Third World Two-bit dictator despot, not an American President. We deserve better. We sure hope those guys on the USS WASP who were caught out of uniform wearing unauthorized patches bearing his likeness were paying attention. This isn't about politics, this is about NAVY Pride. No Navy veteran or current active duty sailor should stand for this insult and neither shall we. #GoNavy!

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