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Friday, January 3, 2020

Happy 2020!

あけまして おめでとう おめでとう!
Happy New Year! Reiwa 1, Year of the Rat.
As been our decade long tradition, we feature the Japanese Emperor on the first blogpost of every year. This being Reiwa 1, Emperor Naruhito now takes center stage with Empress Masako before a crowd the Imperial Household Agency estimates to be around 68,000 well-wishers. We hope this will be a successful year for you and yours as well as our own endeavors as we seek to offer our works in other languages. As we noted in our last blogpost, we at American Mishima have been very busy writing and promoting our books on top of raising two small children so our blogposts may be less frequent than in year's past but we do hope you check in from time to time. Thank you for all your love and support. Happy New Years!

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