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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

American Mishima Visits The Battleship Iowa BB-61

We've long been a big fan of WWII era battle wagons such as the Bismark, Yamato, and the USS Missouri. This last weekend we got our opportunity to step aboard the USS Iowa BB-61, one of four remaining Iowa Class battleships in the world. With her 16 " guns she was the pride of the US Navy who deployed her in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the first Gulf War. She is currently moored in San Pedro California and is well worth the visit. Please enjoy!
Massive 16" guns were the super weapons of their day hurling a shell 25 miles over the horizon.
Firing one of these shells is like firing a Volkswagon Bug 25 miles at you.
 For anyone who had seen the film Otoko Tachi no Yamato, it's hard not to think of it from this angle.
Memorial plaque for the lives lost when the main turret exploded killing scores of crewmen trapped inside.
View of one of the remaining 5" guns.
Here's a view of the Phalanx Air Defense System installed in the 1980's.
Here is one of the two Tomahawk Missile batteries installed in the 1980's.
Anti-Submarine/Ship Harpoon Missiles.
And finally, the fantail view of the ship.
To visit or simply learn more about the battleship please visit:

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