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Monday, April 9, 2018

Sign of the Times: Japan Activates First Marine Expeditionary Force Since WWII

In a move that will likely draw protests from Beijing, Pyongyang, and elsewhere, Japan's Ground Self Defense Forces announced the activation of Japan's first Marine Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade. With recent escalations in tensions in both the South China Seas and territorial incursions near the Senkaku Islands, the creation of such a Marine Expeditionary Unit has become necessary to protect Japan's outer islands. Tomohiro Yamamoto, Japan's vice Defense Minister is quoted as saying: “Given the increasingly difficult defense and security situation surrounding Japan, defense of our islands has become a critical mandate.” 
This adhoc MEU force is said to number around 2100 and will see the addition of amphibious assault ships, vehicles, and V-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft. The creation of this brigade which is the first of its kind since the end of WWII will enable Japan to project power beyond the home islands. This will of course be seen as a threat to China and North Korea but that's the ever increasingly dangerous world we live in. We at American Mishima hope they never have to see combat, but if they do, we wish them all a safe return under the peace these Marines will fight for.

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