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Monday, March 8, 2010

ひなまつり2010 - Hinamatsuri in Little Tokyo

The Japanese Girls Day or Festival of Dolls takes place every March 3rd. This year at the JACCC we were pleased to get an upclose look at 雛人形, hina-ningyō - the ornamental red carpeted display of platformed dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, Attendants, and Musicians. These displays go as far back as the Heian Period of Japan. We were fortunate enough to be granted an opportunity to see such a display outside of Japan.
There was also a traditional tea ceremony that took place in wich all who were present recieved traditional ocha (tea) and ceremonial sweets. This event was held next to the Japanese Garden in Little Tokyo and had notable attendies such as James Huang of the Shinkendo Dojo and Shige Higashi who is the creator of the Cultural News that is widely circulated in Little Tokyo and throughout the Japanese-American Community.

As you can see we were able to capture these photos upclose which we now have posted here so you can see this beautiful display in all their splendor and intricate detail for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

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