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Monday, March 8, 2010

たにょび2010 - Birthday at Oiwake

Konnichi-wa! Sorry for the delay in our latest post but as you may have guessed it was one busy memorable weekend. It all started with my birthday party put together by Tinahime held at Oiwake upstairs in the Japanese Plaza in Little Tokyo. It was a small gathering that included some of our old Goth friends like Brownie-San and some unexpected honored guests from the Shinkendo Dojo most specificly Shinkendo founder Toshishiro Obata and Mrs. Obata. I was most honored by their presence and subsequent Sake toast. But that wasn't the only suprise. Along with the Obata's came Nicolas Sensei, Gabriel Sensei, Isabel Sempai, Mathew Sensei and his wife Emily.

We did not get a photo with Mathew Sensei. We started hitting the sake early and by the time we started staking photos they had already left. But that's ok. I was happy that Mathew Sensei was the first to arrive with a bottle of vino in hand.

We had a few other good friends show up such as Janet and her boyfriend as well as Sydney & Ryan who were getting married the following day but it mostly turned out to be a fun small gathering with a cross section of the Shinkendo Sensei's of the Honbu Dojo.  Many Thanks to Nikki-San and everyone who came out to help me celibrate my 42nd Birthday. ありがとう!!!

Photo With Tinahime.

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