Monday, August 10, 2015

Nagasaki at 70: Message from Japan PM Shinzo Abe

Message from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe:
I attended the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony and expressed my sincere condolences to the souls of the great number of atomic bomb victims.

I profoundly contemplated how precious peace is and once again pledged to firmly uphold the "Three Non-Nuclear Principles" and lead the international community towards realizing a world free of nuclear weapons so that the horror and devastation caused by nuclear weapons are not repeated.

This year the average age of atomic bomb survivors is for the first time over 80 years old. We must not allow the aging atomic bomb survivors’ wishes for peace to fade away. At the Peace Memorial Ceremony, survivor of the atomic bombing told the younger generation about the harsh situation after the bombing and conveyed their strong wishes for peace. I was really struck as the blue sky was filled with the beautiful singing of young people, who heard those words and will later shoulder the future of Nagasaki.

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