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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Kumamoto Disaster Relief: JMSDF Hyuga in Action

On April 19th following the Kumamoto Quakes, Japan's JMSDF deployed it's "Helicopter Destroyer" Hyuga (DDH-181) to assist in disaster relief operations. The following photos show a USMC V-22 tilt-rotor Osprey landing on the Hyuga's deck to deliver additional supplies. 
USMC V-22 on approach.
 "Call your ball!"
Seen here: Hyuga's crew offloads relief from the USMC V-22 on Hyuga's deck. Other JMSDF ships including the much larger "Helicopter Destroyer" Izumo (DD-183) are being deployed along with U.S. Navy ships to help in relief efforts. We at American Mishima support these efforts to help the people of Kumamoto. Ganbatte Kudasai!

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