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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Kumamoto Quake: Aso Jinja Destruction

Seen here is the Romon (Gate) of the Aso Shrine in all its magnificent splendor as it looked prior to the Kumamoto Earthquakes. As you may have heard, the Aso Shrine which is one of the oldest Shinto Shrines in Japan suffered extensive damage leaving most of the complex in complete ruin. Shrines have been rebuilt before but this will be a long undertaking. The following photo shows how the Romon looks now. 
Terrible is it not?
Here's the Haiden ( Hall of Worship) before.
Here it is again after the Kumamoto Quakes. 

According to sources, both the Romon and Haiden collapsed at the same time around 1:23am Saturday April 16th. We at American Mishima are both saddened by the loss of life and the destruction of such cultural treasures. While the Shrines, Temples, and Castles can be rebuilt, the lives lost can not be recovered. We will continue to pray for the people of Japan.

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