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Friday, December 7, 2018

A Solemn Remembrance

Today marks the 77th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. An attack on American Army and Naval bases by the Air and Naval forces of the Empire of Japan that formally brought the United States into World War II. While there's much that can be said about the events that led to the attack and the overall failures and consequences that followed, we chose to share the above rarely seen photo that captures the intensity of the attack that gives you a sense of what American Sailors and Marines who were there might have witnessed. A moment that 77 years later where Japan and the United States are now close allies, now seems like a bad dream. While in Japan, it is regarded as a tactical failure, for Americans, it is still known as FDR once coined "A Day that will live in Infamy." As the last survivors prepare to leave us, know that we shall never forget their sacrifices and bravery called upon such by such times. It is for this and many more reasons we shall always refer to them as The Greatest Generation. To them, we say Godspeed, Fair Winds, and Following Seas.

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