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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Farewell, Mr. President

As it is now known, the 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush has passed away at the age of ninety-four. While I disagreed with his politics or what took place during his tenure at the CIA, the former CIA Director, Vice President, and 41st President, George H. W. Bush was still a patriot who served his country in the United States Navy in the Pacific Theater during WWII. He flew the TBM Avenger and was shot down by the Japanese near Chichijima and later rescued by American Submarine. He would one day be Commander in Cheif during Desert Storm and hailed as the Liberator of Kuwait. He was a devoted husband who recently lost his wife Barbara and father of five children of which his son George W. Bush served as the 43rd President. He dedicated a lifetime of public service to this country he once hoped would be a "Kinder, Gentler, Nation" and the "Thousand Points of Light" to Ronald Reagan's vision of that shining beacon on the hill. Friends to former political foes and to former Presidents, he was also a doting grandfather and that kinder gentleman we no longer see enough of these days. To him, I say Godspeed, Fairwinds, and Following Seas. Barbara, Robin, and your Shipmates await you in heaven.
 George H.W. Bush
Rest in Peace 

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