After 72 years since the end of World War Two, the flag that once flew on the flagship of the Combined Fleet the IJN Nagato has been retruned home to Japan. This was once the flag of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto that was taken from the ship after Japan's unconditional surrender in 1945. The Nagato itself was later used as part of the fleet of ships at Bikini Atol after the war. The once proud ship was built so tough, it withstood two atomic bomb blasts before having to be sunk by torpeedo as seen in the photo below.

Going back to Nagato's ensign, the flag had been in storage and was presented by the president and chief executive officer of the USS Missouri Memorial Association in Hawaii Machael Carr to the musuem dedicated to Admiral Yamamoto in his home city of Nagaoka Japan. NHK reported that the musuem cheif Satoshi Maruyama was moved by touching the flag. We at American Mishima appreciate this gesture of good will on the part of the USS Missouri Memorial Association. It is in our opinion, this is another long overdue another jesture of peace and closure to the Showa Era. May her spirit and the memory of the Nagato that carried her live on!