Seen here is Shinto Priestess Izumi Hasegawa of the Shusse Inari Shrine of America performing the Nagoshi-no-Harae - Mid-Year Purification in West Los Angeles. The event was attended by a small group of people who each participated in the ceremony. While it has not been possible to travel up to Washington State to the Grand Tsubaki Shrine of America, this mobile shrine enabled us to still participate in the Mid Year Purification in person. While there has not been an established Jinja in Los Angeles in years, We welcome Reverend Hasegawa's small mobile shrine to help our connection with nature and Kamisama going in this complex urban setting we live in.
Reverend Hasegawa seen left with volunteers setting up the traditional wreath participants walk through in a figure eight pattern with a series of bows of reverence.
A small tent setup to greet participants and the mobile shrine is seen in the background.
A quick view of the altar. While Hasegawa Sensei was okay with taking photos, we opted to keep this to a bare minimum out of respect as well as to not become a distrationfrom the work at hand. While he have seen the Shusse Inari Shrine of America small mobile shrine at New Years, we hope to see more of them here in Los Angeles and wish them great success in their effort to bring Shinto back to the City of Angels. To learn more about the
Shusse Inari Shrine of America please visit their website.